Juanita Y Los Feos – Juanita Y Los Feos: CD, album


The thing I like about Juanita Y Los Feos is that they don’t really immerse themselves in a genre. They take cues from various guitar based Back From the Grave howlers of yore and speckle their tunes with the keys heavy scree of bands like the Screamers and Devo; and the anthem-ey qualities of classic punk bands like the Avengers and Weirdos.

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The thing I like about Juanita Y Los Feos is that they don’t really immerse themselves in a genre. They take cues from various guitar based Back From the Grave howlers of yore and speckle their tunes with the keys heavy scree of bands like the Screamers and Devo; and the anthem-ey qualities of classic punk bands like the Avengers and Weirdos. They even throw in a few choice Flamencan guitar licks here and there as a subtle nod to their regional Spanish roots. And the culmination of their characteristic genre-dabblings paired with their aggro, atacking delivery is what really makes Juanita Y Los Feos stand out.

Additional information
Weight 60 g
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 0.25 cm
Catalogue number

DB 075

Release Date



Dead Beat Records




Juanita Y Los Feos



Garage Punk

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